Tonnes of Carrots Dumped at Goldsmiths University in Orange Tsunami

3 年前

About 30 tonnes of carrots were dumped by a truck outside a building at Goldsmiths University in London, England, as part of an art exhibition on September 29.

“Holy s***,” Matt Colquhoun laughed when he filmed the moment the carrots spill toward the onlookers and scare them away.

The artist, Rafael Pérez Evans, named the project “Grounding” and introduced it as "a site-specific intervention exploring some of the tensions in visibility between the rural and the city. "

“The produce in the piece are unwanted carrots, carrots that the food industry in the UK deems not worthy of shelves, the full 29 tonnes of vegetables will be collected after the exhibition and sent to feed animals,” according to Evans’ website. Credit: Matt Colquhoun via Storyful