NASA's UFO panel says they need better data
STORY: “This is a newly released video. You'll notice there are two dots moving back and forth.”
NASA’s UFO panel studied this video
of strange objects
But found they were only distant aircraft whose
movement was explained as shaking sensors
[Sean Kirkpatrick, Head, Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office]
“The reason they couldn't catch them is because after further analysis, it was shown that those objects were actually much farther away from the P-3 than they thought. This is the kind of thing that can spoof and or provide misperception of both very highly trained pilots as well as sensors.”
This was the first public meeting by
NASA’s UFO panel since it began
“This is a spherical orb, metallic, in the Middle East, 2022. This is a typical example of the thing that we see most of. We see these all over the world and we see these in and making very interesting apparent maneuvers."
They say they need better data and recording for
what they call ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’
[David Spergel, Chair, NASA panel]
“And to summarize some of the things that we've learned, the current data collection efforts regarding UAPs are unsystematic and fragmented across various agencies, often using instruments uncalibrated for scientific data collection.”
The panel chief says a report is planned for release in July
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