Pigeon breeder shares bird wisdom on social media

STORY: This Jordanian pigeon breeder is teaching others how to raise the birds

by posting videos to his YouTube channel

Location: Amman, Jordan

Adel Mahmoud Faraj aims to provide breeders, enthusiasts and hobbyists

with useful information on looking after and feeding pigeons

(Adel Mahmoud Faraj, Pigeon breeder)

“I would like for my channel to reach everyone because we are trying to showcase the correct way of pigeon breeding to the pigeon fanciers and beginners. As you know, it is very common for people to breed pigeons in Jordan but its situation is not that clear, so I try to transmit the information, the correct ones, in the most simple ways to bird breeders."

Since launching in 2020, his channel has gained over 46,000 subscribers

(Mahmoud Mohammad, Pigeon breeder)

“I benefited from many things from the channel, including how to look after the medical situation of a specific bird and how to breed a bird.”