Yahoo Finance Invest 2023: 創新與融合-拓展香港新未來
193,018 次觀看・1 年前
The year of 2023 will go down as one of headline-grabbing, portfolio-rocking surprises for investors all over the world. The rise of generative AI came out of left field, lighting an inferno under tech stocks reminiscent of the late 1990s tech bubble. When integrated with Fintech, what impact will it have on the investment landscape? The Federal Reserve has remained steadfast in raising interest rates to stomp out inflation at the detriment of the economy, how can investors identify the best investment opportunities? Given the vast business potential of the Greater Bay Area, how can enterprises tap into this promise? And what are the potential risks they should be cautious of? Enter Yahoo Finance’s ‘Invest’ conference, the pre-eminent wealth-building event for investors worldwide. Engage in enlightening discussions with leading figures from the realms of business, finance and politics. Impactful interviews and breakout sessions on markets, the economy and politics. Above all else, context from Yahoo Finance’s highly trusted newsroom that is tailor made to think up big ideas, and take bold actions. |對香港以至全球的投資者而言,2023年是一個充滿變化的一年,這些變化大大改變了投資者的投資方向。人工智能技術發展掀起的科技熱潮,令各行各業都趨之若鶩;當與金融科技(Fintech)結合時,又會對投資市場造成哪些影響?此外,投資者在加息時代應該如何捕捉投資機會?商界又應該如何把握潛力龐大的大灣區商機?Yahoo Finance Invest Asia 為全球投資者策劃頂尖財富策略論壇,雲集金融、Fintech、科技、商界、政界等領袖人物,透過訪談及討論,從不同角度與大家剖析市場、經濟及政策等重要議題,啟發財富增值思維,審時度勢、明辨機遇。
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