Swimmers brave freezing Baikal waters for 43 miles

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SWIMMER ADRIAN SARCHET GETTING FROM DINGY ON BOAT, COMMENTING (English) 'I am doing great! It was beautiful! Really nice. Some Baltic patches. But we’re pretty good!’’

Eight athletes swam 43.4 miles in this icy water

Locator: Lake Baikal, Russia

'The Baikal Great Swim' was held to raise awareness of ecological issues in Siberia

Water temperatures were too cold for the planned 75-mile race

at 41-46 degrees Fahrenheit

so organizers cut it shorter

The swimmers spent about 26 hours in the water

with short pauses in a dingy

(SOUNDBITE) (English) SWIMMER FROM GUERNSEY, ADRIAN SARCHET, SAYING: "This has been an amazing introduction to both the country and the Baikal area. This waterway is phenomenal. it is been a privilege to swim in it and to test myself against it. It is a very tough stretch of water."