Pope tells comedians 'you can also laugh at God'

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STORY: ::Pope Francis tells famous international comedians 'you can laugh at God'

::June 14, 2024

"The Prefect told me in Italy they say 'laughing makes good blood,' so instead of the speech I thought I would do this (making a clownish gesture) and we all laugh."

"You can also laugh at God, of course, and that's not blasphemy, you can say, as we play and joke with the people we love. The Jewish literary tradition is a master in this. It can be done without offending the religious feelings of believers, especially the poor. I ask you to please pray for me, with a smile and not against me."

During the meeting with Italian and international comedians, including American artistes such as Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, and Chris Rock, the pontiff even made a clownish gesture joking that it would be more comical than his speech.

After the audience, the Pope will travel to the southern region of Puglia in a historic appearance at the G7 summit to discuss artificial intelligence (AI).

The Pope will be joined by 10 other heads of state and government, including the prime minister of India and the king of Jordan, as the G7 throws open its doors to outsiders to show it isn't an aloof, exclusive club.