Fox Comes Closer to Listen as Woman Plays Lullaby on Her Guitar

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An urban fox in London, England, unexpectedly became a dedicated fan of a local singer-songwriter, who often plays songs in her garden.

Video shared to TikTok by Zaria van Jaarsveld, who said it was filmed in June 2021, shows a fox sit down, stretch out its front legs, and listen to her play a lullaby on the guitar.

Jaarsveld told Storyful she named the fox Felix. He would visit her regularly, even coming sometimes in the pouring rain to listen to her sing.

“One of his favourite songs was a song I wrote especially for him called ‘I am Your Child’,” Jaarsveld said.

“When I played this song, he would stretch his paws out on the grass in front of me, and gaze at me with what felt like deep love.”

Jaarsveld said Felix’s daily visits to her home greatly helped her mental health during Covid lockdown.

“He gave me hope again. I had given up on myself and my music. He told me in his fox language that everything would be okay,” Jaarsveld explained. Credit: Zaria Van Jaarsveld via Storyful