Rare Roman mosaic unearthed near Syria's Homs

STORY: A rare Roman-era mosaic

has been unearthed in Syria

Location: Al-Rastan, Syria

(Humam Saad, Head of the excavation mission)

"We are within a central hall at one of the buildings. This hall contains a panel which depicts two scenes. The main scene represents the Amazon war which is mentioned in Iliad (by Homer) in many stories. The second scene represents the god Poseidon."

Situated between two houses,

the mosaic is an important discovery

During the past 11 years of conflict in the country

hardline groups have destroyed many relics

and others have been looted by smugglers

(Humam Saad, Head of the excavation mission)

"(Visuals of) the panel were published on social media (during the war). There were groups that entered the area and reached the panel, as you can see the tunnels still exist. These tunnels were here when we arrived at the site."

Experts expect to find more

artifacts in the area